Curtis Associates Research Ltd
Higher Education and Industrial Research Market Research, Database Management and Business Development Services

Benchmarking as a Part of Business Development

Client needs:
Perhaps unusually, our client for this project was not one but twelve different companies.  None of the companies involved shared common ownership, however there was one common denominator – they all operated through the same sales channel, albeit in different markets.  Having significant proportions of their turnover transacted through mail order, these businesses shared similar organisational and logistics issues.  As part of their business development they wanted to be able to compare their businesses whilst preserving commercial sensitivities.

Business development needs:
Curtis Associates was asked to develop a framework that would allow comparison of business ratios where the contributing company could measure themselves against their peers whilst remaining anonymous.  All contributors therefore had access to their ratios, and the comparative ratios though they would not be able to identify the business. 

This project demanded absolute confidentiality as well as the ability to process much numeric information and project manage twelve different contributing businesses.  All the businesses involved signed mutual confidentiality agreements and non-disclosure agreements as part of this project.

Key outcomes:
Because of the commercial sensitivities associated with this project we cannot divulge specific findings, except to say that all the contributors found the exercise instructive.  The benefits that individual businesses derived from comparing their ratios with those of their peers allowed business development following best practice for the sector.

More Case Studies:


Market Research
Database Management
Business Development
Contact Details

Curtis Associates Research Limited
7 Claresholm Close,
Oakham, Rutland.
LE15 6UR.

Tel: 0870 751 8842
Fax: 0870 751 8843


Company Reg. No: 06126668
VAT No.: 716031080

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